Museum of Antiquities in Turin
This museum keeps further interesting sculptures, such as a small head of Zeus, of high stylistic level (Flavian period), a statuette of Pan in the late-Hellenistic tradition, dated to the second half of the second century AD, and a statuette of a deity (likely Serapis), inspired to workshops connected to the great sculptors of the late fourth century BC, such as Lysippus; this statuette features a Baroque style and is dated as well to the second half of the second century AD. Moreover the collections from Libarna include some fine small bronzes (statuettes of Minerva and Victory) and amber objects, in Antiquity thought to retain magic and therapeutic powers. WEB

Museum Area in Serravalle Scrivia
The Town Hall hosts the 19th century collection of canon G.F. Capurro and other precious materials dated to the first Roman imperial period (about 60 finds) among which the inscription of the scribe C. Catius Martialis; a head of infant Bacchus; the central part of a decorative slab with figures of Pan and Medusa on both sides; an element from a marble fountain with mouths shaped as Medusa and dolphins, in a Baroque style; two hands from marble statues; the central panel (emblema) of a mosaic floor in precious opus sectile (marble sheets arranged in elegant geometrical patterns); a composite capital, in elegant Hellenistic style, and numerous other architectural decorative elements. WEB

Archaeological Museum of Genoa Pegli
Various materials from Libarna arrived to this museum through donations or deposits. The richest lots are the collections assembled by canonical C. Ferrari and sculptor S. Varni. Of particular interest are some sculptural elements, among which are a head of Apollo, dating to the first century AD; a head of Ceres with a wreath of ears, of the same period; a terracotta figurine of gladiator (first century AD). WEB